IPSL Thema

The managers of the themes are grouped together in pairs or threes (for example researcher / lecturer-researcher) and are charged with the mission of organising scientific events, linking scientific activities with education and contributing to the strategic thinking of IPSL.

Marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems and resources

In contrast to the atmosphere - the other fluid envelop of the Earth -, the ocean hosts a large amount of the Earth’s living matter. These marine organisms are an integral part of the climate system.

Land biogeochemistry, ecosystems and agriculture

Terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in global biogeochemical cycles. Tightly associated, these biogeochemical cycles are strongly altered by agricultural practices and the ongoing climate change.

Atmospheric composition and air quality

The theme “Atmospheric composition and air quality” focuses on describing and understanding the formation and evolution of chemical compounds in the atmosphere from the boundary layer (air quality) to the stratosphere.

The Water Cycle

Earth has only a finite volume of water which is being recycled through the various reservoirs. Climate change, meteorological processes as well all forms of life are strongly affected by changes in this continuous and interconnected cycle.


Understanding past climate evolution, variability and its impact on the environment

The IPSL “Paleoclimate” research theme investigates the evolution of the Earth’s climate, as well as the related mechanisms and environmental responses over geological time, in order to better understand natural climatic variability.

Statistics for Analysis, Modelling and Assimilation (SAMA)

The SAMA theme (Statistics for Analysis, Modeling and Assimilation) at IPSL aims at improving the data analysis of observations, numerical outputs and their coupling. The final goal is to better represent the climate, geophysical fluids, their constituents and improve their forecast.

Solar systems

The exploration of the solar system and discovery of exoplanets now allow for comparative studies of Earth and its various extra-terrestrial analogues. IPSL is involved in these studies which incidentally allows for testing its Earth models in extreme conditions.

Internal and forced climate variability

The climate variability designates the fluctuations of the characteristics climate system: Diurnal cycles – Tropical modes  from the subseasonal to interannual time scales – Decadal to multidecadal modes of variability – Atmospheric modes of the midlatitudes.

IPSL Thema